Ranch Hand: “More than Protecting Your Tuck”
We received this letter from one of our Ranch Hand customers, David. It moved us quite a bit and we wanted to share it with the rest of our community. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as we did. Thanks, Team Ranch HandEvery day it seems people find an excuse to not get the things done we need to. It can be as little as taking out the trash or as difficult as finishing that big project for work. Most of the time it’s that difficulty in life's little choices that make the biggest difference. When it comes to saving our families and loved one’s though, most people will do whatever it takes to ensure their safety. That’s why Ranch Hand is such a big deal. Ranch Hand is a company that ‘Protects Your Truck,’ but more than protecting your truck they believe in protecting your family. Your wife, children, mother, uncle, cat dog, chicken and hog! It is a company that is built around the idea of family. Ranch Hand is in the business of making sure the ones we think about every day will be there that next day to say, ‘I love you.’ People from all over the United States come to Ranch Hand’s website to thank them for the product they produce which is why I wrote this letter. It’s a product built from the blood, sweat, and tears of the American manufacturing industry. Through precise engineering led by their engineering team and headed by a man I personally got to meet, Jared Kennedy, they have managed to make a product that stands up to almost any obstacle. Everyday there are countless accidents that happen. These accidents lead to an astronomical amount of loss of life. With a Ranch Hand Grille Guard you can feel comfortable knowing that you are sending your family out with the best protection possible. As a purchaser of Ranch Hand products myself I know the durability and lasting integrity of the product and company. I am proud to be a customer of Ranch Hand products, I am proud it is made in the USA, and I am proud to let it protect my family, myself, and my truck on the road everyday. A Thankful Customer, David